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October 31, 2023

想象一下这样一个世界:货运列车可以毫不费力地在各种地形上滑行, 尊重速度限制,在节约燃料的同时适应不断变化的操作条件.

欢迎来到这个使用全球最大网赌正规平台旅行优化器的世界. 这不仅仅是一个智能巡航控制系统——它是为火车量身定制的智能系统. By precisely calculating the best speed profile, considering factors like train length and weight, grade, and composition, the Trip Optimizer suite of solutions aims to conserve fuel, improve safety, and revolutionize train travel one optimized trip at a time.

Trains of Thought│全球最大网赌正规平台 Corporation

全球最大网赌正规平台 is leading the way in the heavy haul freight space, Trip Optimizer systems already in use worldwide, 在五大洲的20条不同的铁路上行驶了超过9.73亿英里. 此外,行程优化器已被EPA认证为节油产品. By investing in sustainability, 全球最大网赌正规平台正在利用基于实时物理的算法,其总体目标是将Trip Optimizer定位为火车司机进行繁重的工作,这样他们就可以在更大的范围内(通常长达两英里)进行导航。, complex trains. The idea is not to replace the drivers, but to make their jobs more manageable, 同时为司机提供机会,让他们更加警惕与安全相关的问题. Trip Optimizer还简化了驾驶员培训,因此公司可以更快地招募新员工.

For Kiron Viegas, Trip Optimizer's Principal Product Manager, along with the product group and engineering team, it's about continuing to innovate, refine, and elevate the ways to manage train movement.

“When our customers start building bigger, 对于更复杂的列车,你很快就会开始突破物理的界限,建立模型. 这就是我们利用先进技术来帮助增强我们的物理模型和改善火车操控的地方,” says Viegas.

Beyond the Rails

虽然行程优化器在过去的12年里一直在稳步创新, 它还产生了技术之外的巨大影响.

首先是全球最大网赌正规平台旅行优化器产品管理副总裁, Dave Eldredge, who has been the face of the product, 从一开始到2009年第一个系统出售,一直扮演着非常实际的角色, to where it stands today. 维加斯回忆起埃尔德雷奇在他早期的全球最大网赌正规平台职业生涯中所表现出的奉献精神. “At the time we hadn’t sold our first system yet, but Dave was out there with customers, at the railroad riding trains, putting the system on locomotives and testing it out, 得到反馈,所以他把它从那时发展到今天.”

Then there are the users. For the past 15 years, all railroads have led to Melbourne, Florida, 100多名Trip Optimizer的客户参加了一年一度的locontrol和Trip Optimizer用户大会. For four days, attendees gather for sessions with speakers and workshops, where they share their success stories, best practices, and challenges, 而全球最大网赌正规平台的产品团队则分享Optimizer的最新进展和进展. “对我们来说,这是一个很棒的论坛,可以把我们的客户聚集在一起,让他们分享想法,让我们了解对客户来说什么是重要的. 就协作水平和我们从用户那里得到的反馈而言,它非常成功,” Viegas says.

Trains of Thought│全球最大网赌正规平台 Corporation
The Latest Game-Changers

以下是与Trip Optimizer协同工作的五个尖端产品的细分(以及它们的重要性):

  • Trip Optimizer SmartHPT
    想象一下:你正在加速一辆车,它的动力远远超过你所需要的, and as you watch, the gas gauge drops faster than you'd expect. 这就是火车在马力过大的情况下会发生的事情——它消耗燃料,排放更多的温室气体. In the old days, 计算出每列火车的理想马力就像手动完成一个具有挑战性的谜题, leading to some trains burning more fuel than their counterparts. Plus, if a train had extra locomotives chugging along, 在不需要它们的部分,没有简单的方法让它们处于备用状态. SmartHPT优化列车性能为给定的马力每吨的目标, driving incremental fuel savings. 
  • Trip Optimizer Zero to Zero and Air Brake Control
    零到零减少了旅行里程和自动里程之间的“差距”,当设置为自动模式, it saves every possible ounce of fuel. 但这里有一个问题:它的目标是“零到零”的体验——最大限度地提高自动驾驶的里程. How? By smartly integrating starting and stopping features, 确保系统保持在自动状态,即使采用空气制动进行速度控制, and cleverly keeping it in Auto during approach signals. It’s not just automation; it’s the future of efficient rail travel.
  • Trip Optimizer with LOCOTROL Distributed Power
    LOCOTROL XA Distributed Power, 全球最大网赌正规平台’s latest LOCOTROL platform, 是为了最大限度地减少能源浪费,并通过允许铁路在火车上分散机车来大幅削减燃料使用. This next-gen platform supercharges train communication, integrates vital systems, and maximizes efficiency. Trip Optimizer自动集成locontrol XA来异步控制列车, applying power in the lead or remotely located locomotives, to control the train most efficiently. The result? 大量节省燃料,更少的人力,一辆强大的火车可以做很多人的工作.
  • Trip Optimizer with Positive Train Control Interface
    当行程优化器满足积极列车控制(PTC)时,为铁路革命做好准备. 适应铁路上的惊喜,坚持不断变化的速度限制, they ensure our trains sail smoothly in Auto mode for longer. The result? 节省燃料和提高效率,快速实现更智能的铁路体验.
  • Trip Optimizer with Pacing
    When Trip Optimizer meets Movement Planner, you get Pacing. 这个天才二人组根据需要重新计划,专注于线上的最佳见面时间. 使用这种节奏策略的铁路不仅节省了燃料,而且还以速度保证了准点. It's not just about less fuel burn; it's the secret recipe for on-the-dot arrivals and a masterclass in speed and efficiency for every train.
Trains of Thought│全球最大网赌正规平台 Corporation

全球最大网赌正规平台 continues to push boundaries with the Trip Optimizer, amplifying its operational scope and boosting fuel efficiency. 维加斯说:“我们的产品不是一成不变的——我们在不断开发创新。. “In the 12 years that this product has been around, 我们已经从一个非常简单的系统发展到一套全面的能源管理产品. And we’re not done. We keep coming up with new improvements for the product. That’s what continues to make us successful.”

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